Wednesday, June 1, 2011

People Fall Off Buildings Presents: An Introduction to... Built to Spill

"In America / Every puddle / Gasoline rainbow"

"I wanna see movies of my dreams / I wanna see it when you get stoned on a cloudy breezy desert afternoon / I wanna see it untame itself and break its owner / I wanna see it now."

"Without me there's nothing / I'm the only thing that dies / If it came down to your life or mine / I would do the stupid thing / And let you keep on living."

"Every thousand years / This metal sphere / Ten times the size of Jupiter / Floats just a few yards past the earth."

"No one wants to hear / What you dreamt about / Unless you dreamt about them / Don't let that stop you / Tell them anyway / And you can make it up / As you go."

"You thought of everything but some things can't be thought / You thought of everything but one thing you forgot / Is you're wrong / And you better not be angry / And you better not be sad / You better just enjoy the luxury of sympathy / If that's a luxury you have."

"The plan keeps coming up again / The plan means nothing stays the same."

"Funny thing with blood / Try to stand but neither leg is awake / Just this side of love / Is where you'll find / The confidence not to continue."

"You were right when you said / It's a hard rain's gonna fall / You were right when you said / We're still running against the wind / And life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone / You were right when you said / This is the end."

"Yeah, it's strange but what's so strange about that?"

"When I was a kid I saw a light / Floating high above the trees one night / Thought it was an alien / Turned out to be just god."

"And when you know / How few things there are worth knowing / I suppose / Anyone who tries could forget."

"Most of us are wrong / Most of us agree."

"They don't want to think about the other side / Is that grass just greener 'cuz it's fake?"

"It doesn't matter if you're good or smart / Goddamn it / Things fall apart."

Here's the track-list:

01. Nowhere Nothin' Fuckup
02. Car
03. Distopian Dream Girl
04. Randy Described Eternity
05. Made-Up Dreams
06. Velvet Waltz
07. The Plan
08. Else
09. You Were Right
10. Strange
11. Goin' Against Your Mind
12. Traces
13. Wherever You Go
14. Hingsight
15. Things Fall Apart

And here's the download link:

Enjoy (and share).

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